Reading #61: The Inquisition, Vikings, and Cossacks
I’m skipping twenty or so books I’ve failed to write about in a timely manner in favor of some more recent ones. London Under by Peter Ackroyd I…
4 min read
Reading #60 2013 Bankruptcy Edition
I’m declaring reading note bankruptcy for anything read in 2013. Or early 2014. It was a busy summer and fall and winter. I did keep a list, though.…
4 min read
Reading #59: Statistical Wizards, Revelations, and Vampires
Nonfiction Revelations: Visions, Prophecy, and Politics in the Book of Revelation by Elaine Pagels This is a general introduction to the Book of Revalation, the historical contexts in…
4 min read
“Some day music will only be air”
It’s a story full of lists. Some day music will only be air. There will be no objects to hold or fetishize and people will simply collect lists.…
4 min read
Reading #58: Cooperatives, Stone Axes, and Soviets
Nonfiction The Company We Keep: Reinventing Small Business for People, Community, and Place by John Abrams John Abrams is the founder of South Mountain Company, a design &…
4 min read
Your first shell account
You find the oddest things when you’re cleaning out old files. Like a printout for your first shell account. Mine dates from August 30th, 1993–only a short time…
4 min read