That Sounds Right
Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after…
4 min read
Best email unsubscribe flow ever?
I’ve been on a binge of unsubscribing from various email marketing lists, as an attention cleanser. It makes me feel good. There’s a hierarchy of experience to unsubscribe…
4 min read
Reffell’s law of PowerPoint writing loss
I'm in my home office, sorting old papers. And of course reading some of them. Apparently, in graduate school I was able to write clearly and analytically, at…
4 min read
How not to handle co-branding
I swear I’ve ranted about this before, but I was presented with the following atrocity while buying some prints from my Flickr photos: That’s four brands for the…
4 min read
MMO subscription charts
I’m reading a few books on online gaming, starting with Edward Castronova’s Synthetic Worlds. It’s mostly about MMORPGs, or MMOs as we’ve thankfully started to call them. I’m…
4 min read
Lessons from designing role-playing game adventures
I was reading James Maliszewski's interview of Paul Jacquays*, and came across this bit: 10. Are there any lessons you've learned from working in the computer game field…
4 min read