The secret origin of “log in”
We do it dozens of times a day, every day, but why do we call it logging in? “Log in” is one of those phrases that sounds weirder…
4 min read
Moral panics & things that we know that aren’t so
I’ve been thinking about moral panics. A moral panic is “the intensity of feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order.”…
4 min read
San Francisco through other eyes
An indulgence: seeing my home, San Francisco, through other eyes. With music and video. One. Mike Skinner visits briefly. Two. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs bust out of…
4 min read
Tired of mediated online commerce?
A few weeks ago, I posted on Facebook that I was “tiring of mediated online commerce.” It was a bit of a flip comment, probably in response to…
4 min read
Bits and pieces from Reality is Broken
Another book finished: Reality is Broken: Why Games Make us Better and How they can Change the World by Jane McGonigal. I've seen Jane speak at SXSW —…
4 min read
Bits and pieces from Empire of Liberty
I just finished Charles S. Wood's Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815. It's an awesome book, and since I don't think any American history…
4 min read