Slides for Pig-faced Orcs: Can designers learn anything from old-school roleplaying games?
Someday I'm going to learn to write short titles. This talk was ridiculously fun to put together, and even more fun to present. I was surprised (and pleased)…
4 min read
Event: Pig-Faced Orcs at IA Summit 2011
I’ll be giving my newest talk, Pig-faced Orcs: Design lessons from old-school role-playing games at the 2011 IA Summit in Denver Colorado, on Sunday, April 3rd. You know…
4 min read
Slides posted for Oauth, OpenID, Facebook Connect: Authentication Design Best Practices
I've posted slides (and notes) from the talk "Oauth, OpenID, Facebook Connect: Authentication Design Best Practices" I gave at SXSW Interactive 2011. I think it went well—I definitely…
4 min read
Event: SXSW Interactive 2011
On March 14th, 2011 I'll be speaking at SXSW Interactive in Austin, Texas. My talk is called OAuth, OpenID, Facebook Connect: Authentication Design Best Practices, but could probably…
4 min read
“Don’t blame me! I voted for blood.”
Bruce Sterling just posted this transcript of a talk he gave in 2009. I read in on my phone on the BART this afternoon, cackling to myself like…
4 min read
Thief, thief, thief! Baggins!
I'm slowly reading "The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion" by Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull. It's a dense exegesis of LOTR and clearly for pretty…
4 min read